Home Success Stories Central Vacuum & Heat Recovery Ventilation for Self Build, Co. Down

Central Vacuum & Heat Recovery Ventilation for Self Build, Co. Down

Central Vacuum
Self Build

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  • Central Vacuum
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  • Residential

Set in the Co. Down countryside, this beautiful self build is home to Lauren & Alex who chose to purchase both a Beam Central Vacuum & Heat Recovery Ventilation system, which go hand-in-hand to provide clean, filtered indoor air.

In Lauren’s words, it was a true ‘labour of love’ as throughout the project, Alex spent many evenings and weekends taking on various aspects of the build, from designing the house, to building & tiling the roof and everything in between.

From the beginning of the build process in 2017, Lauren documented the project on Instagram, and along the way has inspired many others who are planning or are in the process of their own self build. Her Instagram page @our_self_build_ni  currently has over 56,000 followers from across the UK & Ireland.

A Beam Clean Home

Having now lived in their home for a while, the couple have noticed other benefits of having both the Beam Central Vacuum System and Heat Recovery Ventilation System. 

Lauren called the Beam Central Vacuum System a ‘must-have’ for their self build.

It’s so easy to use and there is no heavy unit to hold or pull around. And even better – no recharging! We never need to worry about battery life. You are guaranteed to get your house vacuumed efficiently every time!”

Photo of Lauren


For Lauren and Alex’s house, 4 inlets downstairs and 2 inlets upstairs were required. They also chose to locate the vacuum unit in the garage: “There is an inlet on the front of the unit which is perfect for cleaning the garage and the car!” 

Lauren’s favourite part of the Beam system is the Vacpan (one installed in the kitchen and one in the utility room). She finds it quick and easy to brush up any crumbs by just flicking the Vacpan open as it automatically starts the suction and sucks up all the dirt.

Woman using Beam vacuum hose on wooden floor white utility room with vacpan

With all the optional accessories you can vacuum just about every inch of your house. 

I love using the dusting tool all over the house! All the dust and debris is taken out of the house and into the bin in the garage - there is no dusty or dirty air to breath, which is great for Alex who suffers from asthma.”

Photo of Lauren


Saving Money with Heat Recovery Ventilation

As the couple were spending good money on insulation and making their house airtight, they didn’t want to buy windows with trickle vents or install extractor fans as this would add to heat loss which was not their goal.

For us, installing a Heat Recovery Ventilation system was an absolute must – we wouldn’t have built our home without it, as it’s the most efficient way of ventilating a well-insulated home, whilst still providing constant fresh filtered air! Our house never feels stuffy and in 2 and a half years I have never needed to open a window to let fresh air into our home. We have had no problems with condensation and our home is draught free.”

Photo of Lauren


Pink & grey bedroom with ventilation valve Grey, black and white bathroom with ventilation valve

Lauren went on to comment on how her home is free from mould and condensation and the fact that they have no need for noisy extractor fans:

The Heat Recovery Ventilation system works great in wet rooms. Just a simple flick of the boost button before showering will ensure all the steam is removed. This also helps to prevent the risk of mould, condensation and musty odours. Another benefit of the Heat Recovery Ventilation system is that you won’t have the noise that regular extractor fans – just let the system work away quietly in the background!”

Photo of Lauren


And on the installation and maintenance of the system, Lauren commented:

We are so pleased with both systems and BEAM gave us the support Alex needed to install the systems himself with Beam completing the commissioning of the Heat Recovery System for building control. A filter change is required every 12-18 months to prolong the life of the unit and to ensure that the filtered air coming into your home is always as clean as possible. The improved air quality is great for people who suffer from asthma like Alex.”

Photo of Lauren


You can follow their whole house journey over on Instagram @our_self_build_ni. Be sure to check out their highlights also to learn all about their self build experience.

Get in Touch

If you would like to learn more about our range of systems for your dream home, get in touch with the team today to arrange a free no obligation quotation and / or survey.

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