Home Blog Top 6 Tips to Reduce Condensation and Mould in the Home

Top 6 Tips to Reduce Condensation and Mould in the Home

10th December 2024

Indoor Air Quality

Do you have condensation and mould in your home? Streaming windows, musty smells and mould growth are all tell-tale signs of a condensation problem.

What is condensation?

Condensation forms when warm, humid air meets cold, hard surfaces, such as windows and walls. You may notice condensation:

  • In kitchens when cooking
  • In bathrooms when showering
  • In bedrooms first thing in the morning.

It is often seasonal and appears as the temperatures drop. Although a small amount of condensation is normal in homes, excess moisture can cause damage to your property and affect your health.

How to prevent condensation and mould growth

If condensation is left unaddressed, mould can begin to grow. Mould is a fungus that needs moisture to survive, so it thrives in areas with condensation. It can lead to musty odours, damaged furnishings and health issues, such as asthma and other respiratory conditions.

Here are 6 simple ways to prevent condensation and mould in your home:

1. Clean mould and condensation away

If you notice condensation on your windows, it is important to dry this away to prevent mould forming. Similarly, if there is already mould in your home, take steps to remove it from all affected surfaces so that it doesn’t spread any further.

  1. Walls - wash down with a mould removal product and dry them thoroughly.
  2. Soft furnishings – have them professionally dry cleaned.
  3. Badly affected items - Throw away any items that have been damaged beyond repair.
  4. Leave your windows open so the room dries quickly.
  5. Vacuum the room to ensure no moisture soaks into the floor.

Top tip: Mould spores can be harmful to your health so remember to wear a face mask and gloves when using products to remove it from your home.

Cleaning mould from round sink

2. Keep your home dry and well ventilated

Condensation is often a result of airtightness and poor ventilation. According to BRE, the majority of condensation issues in modern houses have been due to a lack of ventilation. Therefore, one of the best ways to reduce condensation and prevent mould is to provide adequate ventilation. Air flow in and out of the home is essential to reduce moisture levels and provide a cleaner, healthier indoor air environment.

There are a number of ways to ventilate your home and provide air flow in and out of your home:

3. Don't dry clothes indoors

Drying your washing indoors over radiators increases moisture levels within the home and can add a whopping 10-15 litres of moisture to your home in a week!

During winter, when it’s more common to dry clothes inside, humidity levels are usually higher. It’s recommended that you dry your clothes outdoors when possible or use a tumble dryer that is vented outside.

Top tip: If drying your washing outside isn’t an option, try using a room that is well ventilated, with an open window for example, to allow the moisture to escape outdoors.

socks drying on radiator with red x over the image

4. Keep doors closed 

When cooking or showering, humidity levels in your kitchen or bathroom dramatically increase. To prevent damp, moisture-laden air from spreading throughout the rest of your home and causing condensation, it is advisable to keep internal doors closed. Remember to turn on extract fans and cooker hoods if you have them so that some of the moisture is vented outside.

Top tip: Taking the steps above will reduce condensation but will not rectify the issue fully. Without adequate ventilation, condensation may still settle on the walls, ceilings, and other surfaces areas with high levels of humidity such as kitchens and bathrooms and mould could grow.

5. Clear out the clutter!

Areas in the home where there is a lot of clutter or items packed tightly together can be prone to mould growth as air circulation is restricted. Check your cupboards, drawers and wardrobes - if they are overfilled, try having a clear out or moving some of their content elsewhere. This will allow the air to circulate freely inside.

Top tip: A stale or musty smell is a sure sign that your cupboards are overfilled!

6. Check for leaks

As we now know, mould loves moisture! It can often be found in places that have experienced leaks or excess moisture build up. These areas may not be as obvious as a ceiling or around a window, so it is worth checking in other areas of the home as well.

Top tip: Check for leaks under your sinks, behind toilets, around your washing machine and dishwasher, and under radiators. These are all common places where leaks can occur, and mould can begin to grow and spread.

Mould on sink valve

The Ultimate Solution to Reduce Condensation & Prevent Mould

These tips are a great way to help reduce condensation and mould, but the key to prevention is proper ventilation, ensuring adequate airflow through your home.

Suitable for new & existing homes, a BEAM Positive Input Ventilation (PIV) unit gently ventilates the home from a central position in the hallway/landing. This compact condensation control unit is usually placed in the loft-space above the hallway. It provides fresh, filtered air throughout the home which displaces the stale moist air which could lead to condensation and mould.

Standard loft mounted wireless piv Airsource wireless piv

Get in touch

If you're experiencing condensation and mould in your home and want more advice, BEAM's ventilation experts can advise on the best solution for your home. Contact us now for more information. 

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